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App Review: Listonic – the handy shopping list

May 30, 2011 1 Comment


Listonic – the handy shopping list has just hit the WP7 marketplace and the very nicely designed artwork instantly grabbed our attention. The app is beautiful, especially for a To-Do list. It even has a few background options to customize the feel of the app. By far it is the nicest looking Mobile to-do list, it even has a bit of Metro UI wrapping around the app itself.

At first the app though was down right annoying! after creating a list it would seem that the list was no where to be found. Then about 5 seconds later it would appear. 5 Seconds after that then the screen would change to where you input the items for your list. That just seemed way too long and unacceptable for a to-do list. Well I found the culprit! Since you need to create a login, all the information is getting pushed to the clouds and then populated on screen. They have implemented an settings option which I still do not understand why it exists. When you go to settings, all the way at the bottom there is a settings for delay. The default was on about 2 seconds, you want to switch that to .5 seconds. That will improve your experience with the app 10x.


One thing I like about the app that you can also put prices on the items and buy the item name it automatically adds a cool little icon representing what kind of item it is. It is a very good looking app like I said before. After changing the settings a bit it really becomes a great app to use. I would like to see just a local version that doesn’t make you sign in and sync with the cloud because it will only make this app faster. Also their are people out there that just do not like signing up for every app they install.


The App is completely free and available on the Windows Phone 7 marketplace.

App Info: A shopping list you can access from the internet (at http://listonic.com) and mobile phones (all major platforms).

By installing Listonic Mobile app you can manage all your shopping lists in a smart manner because:

  • Always within arm’s reach, there’s no chance of forgetting or losing it.
  • Convenient and easy to use, no instructions required, a few clicks of the mouse and away you go.
  • Products are automatically ordered by store alleys so you don’t have to wonder around.
  • Shopping lists can be easily shared with family, friends or coworkers – any changes are instantly seen on every device.

Listonic is available for FREE.

Moreover, scientists say that shopping with the list saves you money.

Listonic 2Listonic 3Listonic 4Listonic 5Listonic 6

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